Thursday, October 29, 2009


Happy Halloween

1&2 Lesson Focus: How does the movie “The Raven” compare to the poem?
What are alliteration and internal rhyme?
1. “The Raven” from The Simpsons
2. Label internal rhyme and alliteration
3. Write a SCARY story using all 20 vocabulary words with a partner


4th Period: Lesson Focus: How can I use my vocabulary words in context?
1. Write a SCARY story with your partner using all 20 of your words

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can we categorize information?
What are alliteration and internal rhyme?

1. Finish project with Ms. Edick
2. Alliteration and Internal Rhyme
3. Watch “The Tell Tale Heart”


1&2 Lesson Focus
: What is the story diagram for “The Tell-Tale Heart”?
What are mood and tone?

Collect the Poe JE
1. Finish the story diagram, look on page 624 for “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2. Watch the movie
3. Mood and Tone examples
4. Mood and Tone Questions in the packet
Homework:I will check your vocabulary Packet Friday
Test on Tuesday

4th Lesson Focus: What are the literary elements in the novel?
What were the major events of chapters 3, 4, and 5?

1. Notes on motif
2. Conflict debate
3. Quiz on 3,4, and 5 (10 important events)
Homework: Read chapter 6 and finish 3,4 and 5 quiz

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I categorize information?
What are mood and tone?

1. Phobia article with Ms. Edick
2. Mood and Tone examples/notes
3. Mood and Tone Questions (answer in Q&A)
Homework: I will check your vocabulary Packet Friday
Test on Tuesday

1&2 Lesson Focus: How can I study for my vocabulary test?
How can I interpret the poem?
What is an effective short answer?

1. Finish Vocabulary Packet/study for test (20 minutes)
2. Free Read (15 minutes)
3. Finish interpreting “The Raven”
4. JE Question: How can we see the influences of Poe’s life in his writing?
Homework: Vocabulary Test Next Tuesday (extra credit of you proved that you studied)
Vocabulary packet due by Friday
Homework: Poe Journal Entry

4th Period: Lesson Focus: What should I be paying attention to in my free read?
1. Literary Elements/rubric for free read
2. Free Read for ten minutes
3. Listen to Chapter 5
Homework: Read Chapter 5

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I study for my vocabulary test?
How can I interpret the poem?
What is an effective short answer?

5. Finish interpreting “The Raven”
6. JE Question: How can we see the influences of Poe’s life in his writing?
7. Finish Vocabulary Packet/study for test (20 minutes)
8 Free Read (15 minutes)
Homework: Vocabulary Test Next Tuesday (extra credit if you proved that you studied)
Vocabulary packet due by Friday

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


All students know their ELA grades for MP 1

1&2 Lesson Focus: How can I better interpret poetry?
1. Interpret “The Raven”
2. Went to the lab to finish the narrative essay and the Poe Collage
Homework: None

4th Period: Lesson Focus: How can I effectively teach vocabulary?
1. Computer Lab 204 A to work on your vocabulary packet
Homework: Vocabulary Packet due by Friday

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I better interpret poetry?

1. Interpret “The Raven”
2. Went to the lab to finish the narrative final and Poe Collage
Homework: None

Friday, October 23, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: How many pages does my free read have to be?
How can we fill out a plot diagram?

1. Work on your vocabulary packet
2. Free Read
3. Read “The Tell-Tale Heart” on page 624 in the green book
4. “The Tell-Tale Heart” plot diagram
Homework: None

4th Period: How can I prove that I have been reading and understanding my free read?
How can I create my own vocabulary packet?

1. Free Read
2. Work on your own vocabulary packet
Homework: None

5&6 Lesson Focus: How many pages does my free read have to be?
How can we fill out a plot diagram?
5. Work on your vocabulary packet
6. Free Read
7. Read “The Tell-Tale Heart” on page 624 in the green book
8. “The Tell-Tale Heart” plot diagram
Homework: None

1&2 Lesson Focus: How does the book compare to the movie?
What is one strategy I can use to make sure I understand what I am reading?

1. Watch the movie
2. Double bubble comparison
3. Circle map fear!
4. Read “The Delight of Fright” with circle map

4TH Lesson Focus: How can I show that I read and understood chapters 1&2?

1. Finish your Comic Strip
2. Partner read chapter 4
Homework: Read Chapter 4

5&6 Lesson Focus: How does the book compare to the movie?
What is one strategy I can use to make sure I understand what I am reading?

5. Circle map fear!
6. Read “The Delight of Fright” with circle map
7. Watch the movie
8. Double bubble comparison

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


All Back Work Due Today
Book Reports Due by 3:40

1&2 Lesson Focus: What is the literary element, irony?
What is a theme

1. If you could have any three wishes in the world, what would they be?
2. Read “The Monkey’s Paw” pg 680
Questions for “The Monkey’s Paw”
1. How can this story be considered ironic?
2. How does this story build suspense?
3. What is the theme of this story?
4. Create a warning label:
i. On your own index card create a warning label that tells what the monkey’s paw is, how it was created, and what magic it possesses.
ii. Create a list of directions to use the monkey’s paw
iii. Then create a set of warnings for the use of the paw.
Homework: Finish “The Monkey’s Paw” warning label

4th Period: Lesson Focus: How can I show I read and understood the first two chapters?

1. With your partner create a comic strip to represent the first 2 chapters
a. Must Have
i. 6-8 major events
ii. Pictures and dialogue
iii. Must be colorful and creative
Homework: Read Chapter 3

All Back Work Due Today
Book Reports Due by 3:40

1&2 Lesson Focus: What is the literary element, irony?
What is a theme?

3. If you could have any three wishes in the world, what would they be?
4. Read “The Monkey’s Paw” pg 680
Questions for “The Monkey’s Paw”
1. How can this story be considered ironic?
2. How does this story build suspense?
3. What is the theme of this story?
4. Create a warning label: bobbi was here Corey is amazing
i. On your own index card create a warning label that tells what the monkey’s paw is, how it was created, and what magic it possesses.
ii. Create a list of directions to use the monkey’s paw
ii. Then create a set of warnings for the use of the paw.
Homework: Finish “The Monkey’s Paw” warning label

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: How long should my next free read be?
When is my book report due?
What are my second ten vocabulary words?

1. Library/work on free read/pick out your next free read 150 pages
2. Second ten words
Homework: Vocabulary 11-20

4th Period: Lesson Focus: What happened in the first chapter?

1. Free Read
2. Chapter 1 review
3. read chapter 2
Homework: Read Chapter 2

5&6 Lesson Focus: How long should my next free read be?
When is my book report due?
What are my second ten vocabulary words?

3. Library/work on free read/pick out your next free read 150 pages
4. Second ten words
Homework: Vocabulary 11-20

Monday, October 19, 2009


Marking Period Ends 10/23/09 (Friday)
All Back work due by Wednesday 10/21/09
Book Report Due 10/21/09

1&2 Lesson Focus: When is my free read project due?
What are my first 10 words for the suspense unit?

1. Library computer lab to work on your free read project
2. first ten vocabulary words

Homework: 1-10 vocab assignment

4th Period Lesson Focus: What is identity?
1. Discuss possible meanings of identity
2. Read the poem on page 598
3. Start the new book/collect outsiders
Homework: Read chapter 1

5&6 Lesson Focus: When is my free read project due?
What are my first 10 words for the suspense unit?

3. Library computer lab to work on your free read project
5. first ten vocabulary words
Homework: first 10

Friday, October 16, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: What are some characteristics of a good scary story?
1. Background notes for suspense
2. Listen to “The Hitchhiker” pg 654 in the big green book
3. Answer questions

4th Period: Lesson Focus: How long does my free read have to be?
1. Go to the library to get a free read
2. Must be 250 pages
Homework: None

5&6 Lesson Focus: What are some characteristics of a good scary story?
4. Background notes for suspense
5. Listen to “The Hitchhiker” pg 654 in the big green book


Thursday, October 15, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: How can I effectively take a test?
1. Practice ELA State Test
2. Go back and highlight where you got the answers
3. Label the questions
4. Work on your free read
Homework: Free Read Project due 10/21/09

4th Period: Lesson Focus: How does the movie compare with the novel?
1. Finish the movie
2. Was there anything drastically different in the movie?
Homework: None

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I effectively take a test?
5. Practice ELA State Test
6. Work on your free read
Homework: Free Read Project due 10/21/09


1&2 Lesson Focus: When is my free read project due?
How can I ensure that my answers are correct?

1. Go to the lab to work on your project
2. QAR notes
3. Label the quiz questions
4. Free Read/ Literary Elements
Homework: Finish your free read

4th Period: Lesson Focus: Same as yesterdays
1. Outsiders movie
Homework: None

5&6 Lesson Focus: When is my free read project due?
How can I ensure that my answers are correct?

5. QAR notes
6. Label the quiz questions
7. Go to the library to work on your free read
Homework: Finish your free read

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: How can I ensure that my answers are correct?
How can I effectively read and understand non-fiction?

1. Gang Circle map
2. Read gang article together and then with a partner
3. Label the quiz
4. free read
Homework: Read your free read! Your free read needs to be done by the16th. Project is due the 21st

4th Period: Lesson Focus: How does the movie compare to the novel?
1. Outsiders movie
Homework: None

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I ensure that my answers are correct?
How can I effectively read and understand non-fiction?

1. Gang Circle map
2. Read gang article together and then with a partner
3. Label the quiz
4. Free Read

Homework: Read your free read! Your free read needs to be done by the16th. Project is due the 21st

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ms. Hunt

1&2 Lesson Focus: How can we compare and contrast the movie with the novel?
1. Outsiders Movie
Homework: None

4th Period Lesson Focus: How can I prepare for the final?
1. jeopardy review game
2. began short answer portion of the test
Homework: none

5&6 Lesson Focus: None
1. Test
2. Read your free read
Homework: none

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: NONE
1. Jeopardy Review
2. Outsiders Test
Homework: Read Your Free Read

4th Period: Lesson Focus: How did the novel end?
What literary elements can we find in the novel?

1. Discuss the end of the novel
2. Review literary elements
Homework: Study for the test

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I study for the test?
What literary elements are in the novel?
1. Jeopardy review game
2. Discuss literary elements
3. Free read
Homework: Read your free read/Study for the test

1&2 Lesson Focus: What needs to be in my short answers?
How can I review for my test?

1. Is Dally a hero short answer
2. Review literary elements for the novel
Homework: Look over your notes
Test Wednesday

4th Period: Lesson Focus: What were the major events of 9&10?
1. Quiz on 9&10
2. Discuss
3. read chapter 11
Homework: Finish the novel

5&6 Lesson Focus: What themes can I find in the novel?
What needs to be in my short answer?

1. Themes with Ms. Edick
2. Read Chapter 12
3. Dally short answer

Homework: Finish the novel
Test Thursday

1&2 Lesson Focus: How does the interview give us more insight into
the novel?
What should be in my short answers?

Collect The Grade Reports

1. Finish the S.E Hinton interview/Discuss
2. Free Read
2. Short answer notes
3. Transition work
4. Brainstorm short answers for is Dally a hero
Homework: Finish the novel

4th Lesson Focus: Same as Fridays
What should be in our short answers?

1. Finish Punks and Jocks
2. Discuss Questions
3. Short Answer notes
4. Short answer question
Homework: Read 10/Finish Short Answer

5&6 Lesson Focus: How does the interview give us more insight into
the novel?
What should be in my short answers?

5. Finish the S.E Hinton interview/Discuss
6. Short answer notes
7. Transition work
8. Brainstorm short answers for is Dally a hero

Homework: Read chapter 11/Books should be done by 10/16/09/Get grade reports signed


1&2 Lesson Focus: How can I interpret a poem?
Who really wrote The Outsiders?

1. Interpret the poem with stanza notes
2. Free Read
3. S.E. Hinton interview
Homework: bring back the grade reports signed

4th Period Lesson Focus: How does the movie relate to the novel?
1. Punks and Jocks
Homework: None

5&6: Lesson focus: How do similes and metaphors make writing better?
Who really wrote The Outsiders?
What were the major events of chapters 9&10.

1. Simile and metaphor lesson with Ms. Edick
2. Quiz on 9&10
3. Free Read
4. S.E. Hinton interview

Homework: None

Friday, October 2, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: What is the proper format for dialogue?

1. Dialogue lesson with comics
2. SRI’s
Homework: Read 15 pages in your free read
Narrative due by Friday

4th Period: How can I listen effectively?
1. Discuss 6&7
2. Listen to chapter 8
Homework: Read Chapter 9

5&6 Lesson Focus: How can I effectively listen?

1. Listen to chapter 10
2. SRI’s

Homework: Read 10 pages in your free read
Narrative Rough Draft due by Friday

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