Wednesday, October 7, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: How does the interview give us more insight into
the novel?
What should be in my short answers?

Collect The Grade Reports

1. Finish the S.E Hinton interview/Discuss
2. Free Read
2. Short answer notes
3. Transition work
4. Brainstorm short answers for is Dally a hero
Homework: Finish the novel

4th Lesson Focus: Same as Fridays
What should be in our short answers?

1. Finish Punks and Jocks
2. Discuss Questions
3. Short Answer notes
4. Short answer question
Homework: Read 10/Finish Short Answer

5&6 Lesson Focus: How does the interview give us more insight into
the novel?
What should be in my short answers?

5. Finish the S.E Hinton interview/Discuss
6. Short answer notes
7. Transition work
8. Brainstorm short answers for is Dally a hero

Homework: Read chapter 11/Books should be done by 10/16/09/Get grade reports signed

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