Thursday, January 27, 2011


1&2 Lesson Focus: How can I tell the difference between relevant and
irrelevant information?
What is sentence variety?
What is characterization?
What are the major events of TSB?
1. Quiz on 13&14
2. Read Chapter 15
3. Sentence Variety
4. Character Chart
5. Relevant/Irrelevant
Homework: Finish chapter 15 with notes

4&6 Lesson Focus: What is sentence variety?
What are the major events of TSB?
What is my free read project?

1. Quiz on 17&18
2. Read Chapter 19
3. Sentence variety
4. Book Report in a Bottle: Begin Working on free read project
Homework: Finish chapter 19 with notes

9th Lesson Focus: What is the vocabulary we need to know for our next unit?
1. Vocabulary 1-10
Homework: Extra Vocabulary assignment
Songs by Friday

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