Homework: Read chapter 1 with at least 10 notes by Thursday
If you are having a hard time taking notes click on The Outsiders tab and click on the things to
note tab. It will take you to chapter guide questions.
1. Finish background notes
2. Discuss what notes to take in the novel
3. 15 minutes to work on The Outsiders vocabulary packet
3rd Period Large Group 9/17/13
1. Report to your assigned location
2. Begin Reading the novel taking at least 10 notes a chapter
3rd Period Large Group 9/18/13
1. With your group create a presentation that describes the following characters:
Here are some presentation formats for you to choose from:
- Create a skit
- Create a rap/song
- Create a poster/picture to describe the characters
- Create a story book to read
- Create a comic strip
- Create a newspaper article
- Create a magazine article
- Any other ideas
The Purpose of this presentation is to inform the audience of the major characters in the novel