Wednesday, December 16, 2009


1&2 Lesson Focus: What is a new way to take notes?
What are the characteristics of an extreme environment?

1. “Left for Dead”
2. Mt. Everest film
Homework: Finish “Left for Dead” with Cornell notes

4th Period: What is Haiku poetry?
What is personification?

1.Haiku poetry
2. Try 2 different: The first one can be your choice, the second has to be about nature and have one example of personification
Homework: Diamonte poem by Wednesday

5&6 Lesson Focus: What literary devices can I find in “Love That Dog”?
What is concrete poetry?
What are our vocabulary words?

Collect Magi Rewrite

1. Finish “Love that Dog”: First four people to find an example of hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and a simile, get a mint!
2. Concrete poetry
3. Vocabulary
Homework: Finish the rough draft of your concrete poetry

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