Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Homework: Finish the novel by Friday with 5 notes each chapter
1.  Work on creating you own Utopia
      1.  Have a clean loose leaf sheet of paper with all group members names
           written at the top
      2.  Out of the ten rules your group has, decide on the 5 rules that are best
      3.  Write these rules out clearly with a one sentence explanation for each
      4.  Develop an itinerary (list of daily activities) that each member of the
            community follows
2.  Finish your homework

EXTRA CREDIT* Worth ten extra points on the assignment
     1.  Write a persuasive paragraph that convinces people to move to your utopia.  Be sure to explain the pros of your utopia.  In addition, use one of the persusive techniques that we have discussed.  Such as: fear, testimonials, bandwagon etc.

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